Each ticket type varies in price and flexibility. Select the ticket type you’re interested in buying for more information.

Advance tickets
Why choose an Advance ticket?
  • They’re normally the cheapest tickets around. They’re released up to 12 weeks in advance, so tend to be a lot cheaper than a ticket that’s bought on the day of travel. You can buy your ticket up to 18:00 the day before your journey.
  • Most Advance tickets let you reserve a seat. For long journeys it’s nice to know you’ll have a place to perch.
  • You can get a discount with a valid Railcard.
  • Advance tickets give you plenty of time to plan your journey - a good choice for people who like to know exactly what they’re doing.
Just so you know..
  • Advance tickets are non-refundable.
  • Advance tickets are only available as Single tickets, but you can combine two Advance Single tickets to make up a return journey.
  • Advance tickets are released 12 weeks before the travel date and, because they’re often cheap, they can sell out fast.
  • Advance tickets are for a specific route, date and time, so they’re not flexible. You can’t break your journey either. But, if your plans change, you can make changes to the date or time for a £10.00 fee.

Off-Peak/Super Off-Peak
Why choose an Off-Peak/Super Off-Peak ticket?
  • If you’re flexible with your time of travel, choosing to avoid peak times will save you money as Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak tickets are cheaper than the more flexible Anytime tickets. Plus, you can skip the hustle and bustle of commuter journeys.
  • Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak tickets can be bought as an Open Return, letting you take your return journey on any Off-Peak or Super Off-Peak train within one month.
  • These tickets can be refunded, for a £10.00 fee, if you decide not to travel anymore.
  • You can get a discount with a valid Railcard.
Just so you know..
  • You’ll have to make sure you’re travelling on an Off-Peak or Super Off-Peak train, depending on your ticket. Your ticket won’t be valid during peak times, and you might get charged a fine if you’re stopped by a ticket officer. Check which train times are Off-Peak here
  • If you know the specific route, date and time you’re planning to travel on, an Advance ticket might be available and is usually cheaper. Why not set up a ticket alert and we’ll tell you when Advance tickets for your route are available.

Why choose an Anytime ticket?
  • This is the most flexible type of ticket available, so if your plans aren’t set in stone this is your best option.
  • Anytime Single tickets let you travel on any train on the date shown on your ticket up until 04:29 the next morning.
  • Anytime Return tickets let you travel on any train on the date shown on your ticket, or within the next five days inclusive. You can return at any time within one calendar month.
  • Anytime Day Single and Anytime Day Return tickets let you travel on any train on the date shown on your ticket, up to 04:29 the next morning.
  • These tickets can be refunded, for a £10.00 fee, if you decide not to travel anymore.
  • You can get a discount with a valid Railcard.
Just so you know..
  • Because of the flexibility they offer, Anytime tickets are more expensive than Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak tickets. Check the train times for your route as you might find your route is Off-Peak, so you could buy a cheaper ticket.